Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Dating Game

I am back out on the scene and really have no clue what the fuck I am doing. My divorce went final in July but my marriage had been over since January. So now I'm out doing the single thing again. There is the one girl that is in our circle that is awesome, but was kinda in a relationship. I asked some of my friends about her and they all agreed that she was hot and way too good for the guy she was with. I didnt know what to do, I liked this girl, but she was kinda involved and my friends kept telling me to go for it. I didnt want to be that guy that just muscle their way in and be a home wrecker. I know that I would like it if it happened to me.

One day I got a random text from her say that she missed me cause I didnt make it out that weeked due to a wedding in Cali. I thought wow....so a little flirting back and forth and she asks if I am going to make it out to the show that weekend. I say yes but was going up a day later than she. We started talking more and more and I realized that I really had a chance cause her current relationship was just about over. Things are great and we have been talking quite a bit. She is a really cool chick and we get along well. I don't know if that would constitute as dating but the chick before her was nuts and I dont want to do that again. So who knows, I like to keep a positive mind, so hopefully all turns out well.

When I Grow Up

I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I am comming up to the end of my enlistment, but have no clue what I am going to do for income. I have become accustomed to the life style I live and don't really want to tone it down. I am sure I wont have a problem being able to do that it is just what I am going to be doing to accomplish that. I know that I don't want to work on computers the rest of my life. I have lost interest in them and I am way to far behind in the industry to want to catch up so that I am a viable assest. So what does that leave. I could go back to school, but for what? I just don't know what I want to do the rest of my life that will give me a decent living to support myself and possibly a family down the road. I don't seem to be an expert on any one thing. I am more a jack of all trades. Ugh I think I am having anxiety.

Friday, September 14, 2007

New Car

In January I purchased a brand new TDI Jetta cause my truck was a beast and a gas hog. The car was really confortable and I got really good gas mileage being that it was diesel, even though I drove it like a bat out hell. But I found myself wanting something faster and funner. Lets face it the car was not fast and was basically a grocery getter. I need something and I needed it now. I was really thinking about what kind of car I wanted to fill the void I was having but couldn't figure out what I could see myself in. Until one day I drove into work to see this new car in the parking lot, a 2005 BMW M3. OMG that car was beatiful, but who's was it. I get into the office and ask my co-worker, "Did you see that M3 parked next to your car?" He was just as surprised as I was, when another co-worker spoke up and said, "I think thats Calvin's car. I seen him in a BMW yesterday." So off I was to talk to him, "Hey man did you get a new car?"

That car was really nice. I got to doing some research on them and found out that I could afford a 2000-2002 M3 or M5. So off the Autotrader to see what I could scrounge up. I found a few that were what I was looking for but by the time I got to the dealer they had already sold. I got to thinking that I'm not sure if I really wanted to give up my 4 doors, so I was off to look at this M5. OMG this car was so clean. I ended up getting a good deal so I decided to buy it. A 2000 BMW M5.

This car is scary fast. I mean fucking fast as hell. I have never been behind the wheel of a car so fast before. Im not going to lie, this car scares the hell out of me, but at the same time it puts the biggest smile on my face.

Fun at Weddings

I had the honor of being a groomsman in my friends wedding a few weekends ago. I hadn't seen my friend in about 2 years from the last wedding that we were in together. I had an awesome time. I got to meet his friends that he usually hangs out with and they were awesome as well. I just really hope they can come out to visit so we can live it up again. I think I would have had more fun if I would had been able to actually drink and have fun, but my roommate got so shitty so quick that it was babysitting all night for me.