Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hello World

This is my first official post on my new blog. I have dedicated this blog to what goes on in my head and my life.

Quick backround on me: I am 26 year old SSgt in the U.S. Air Force. I have been in 5 years and have a little less than a year left until I am a civilian again. I am into many things, cars, motorcycles, gadgets, partying, music, and my friends. I recently just got out of a marriage, and have decided to not let it get me down, and to move on with my life. I spend a lot of time with my friends cause I live so far from my family and don't get to see them that often. I am mostly a laid back person, and I am very socialable. I don't get mad too often unless you really piss me off, but then I usually maintain. I am realist, so I tend not to over-react very often and am very understanding. I like to just go with the flow mostly, but am not affraid to speak up and tell you what I am thinking. I always have lots of thoughts running through my head, and I usually have trouble sleeping cause I think way too much. My mind is way too active. I usually don't fear too many things, but my biggest fear is not knowing what is in my future. This brings great anxeity that I don't have too much control over it. I'm not a control freak, at least I don't think I am, but it causes me lots of sleepless nights of wandering what the fuck is going on/happening in my life.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. I will try to keep you entertained as to what goes on in my head and in my life as much as possible.

1 comment:

Lance said...

Hey I saw you are in the Air Force from TJ's blog and that you are at Luke I am aswell. I will check out your blogs on occasion I have one also but I rarely update it. have a good day.