Monday, October 29, 2007

I Suck at Life

I got to thinking, as I always do, what the fuck am I going to do when I'm out of the Air Force in 4 months?

I started going over what job skills I could offer the civilian world and the list was really short, if a list at all. I have skills that I could use and would be able to snatch up a job in no time flat, but I will be making less money then I made before I came in the service.

Ok so lets look at what I got:
I have an A.A.S. in Computer Electronics, I didnt learn a damn thing in school. It was a waste of 20k that I am still paying for now. The only job it landed me was a Computer Tech position at Best Buy. Let me tell you, I was rolling in teh cash there, ya ok, whatever.

Next I came in the Air Force as a Personnelist. This is just the military way of saying human resources. I managed peoples careers through all of the paperwork and behind the sences stuff that most people didnt car about until it was time for them to take of something. Totaly a thankless job, but I was damn good at it. If anybody can be good at paperwork, I was the fucking man. Now I could get a job in human resources just about anywhere, and since I worked in a hospital, I have knowledge of that side of human resources. Doing a quick search, I could probably choose where I wanted to work, but they only paid like $10/hour! WTF is that? That would even pay for any drug habits that I'm likely going to have to pick up when I get out of the Air Force cause I'm so fuckind depressed that the only job I could find was $10/hour.

Growing up I thought I was really into computers and wanted to be a Sys Admin. I got the opprotunity to retrain my career to just that. School was going to be 3 months long, but most of the training was going to be on the job. So I figured, who wouldnt want to hire me, I work on Mulit million dollar networks for the government. Well about oh 2 weeks into school, I realized that I hate computers and don't have the energy or the desire to learn everything I needed to know to be viable in this career field nor was I willing to keep up with it. The IT industry is very cut throat and in order to make the "big bucks" you hear about, you have to stay in school every day in order to stay some what up with the technology. Cause let's face it, once you finish school on one thing, it has changed already. Fuck that! Well I don't really have to worry about it anyways since I have never touched our network here before in the 2 years I have been here.

See I work in an office that inventories equipment. Basically I work in a warehouse and kick boxes and guessed it.......paperwork all fucking day long. And what sucks even more, I am to damn efficient and good at it. So now it looks like I could get a job at Lowe's or Home Depot, or some other heavy lifting, back breaking, warehouse job out there, making oh probably $10/hour again. Oh but I work the management side of all of this now. I could get a management position! Sweet, now I get paid $13.50/hour and have 5 times as much bullshit to deal with. Awesome I can't wait.

So now I know you are going to ask the question, "Well, why don't you just stay in teh military?" I like it here, I guess, but I have gotten to the point in my life that I think taht I am just done with it all. I know there are the pros and cons, and I have weighed them out and have come to the conclusion that I dont have the passion to give it everything I should.

SO I ask you, you got any better Ideas?

Monday, October 22, 2007

My Coffee is Cold

Why is it in office buildings that they keep it so Fucking cold? I mean seriously, is there someone in the office that is so hot that the A/C needs to be on when its 60 outside and 55 in the office? And why is it that we can't control it in this building? It is controlled by some computer on teh equator that thinks its 100+ all year round.

We are on this kick right now about saving energy and not using so much electricity in our building. So why the need to run the A/C all year round? We could just shut it off and we would be ok, but we use twice as much cause we all have personal heaters at our desk.

Maybe they think we will not fall asleep if it is sub zero temps in the office. But its about right for me to just pass out, but way too cold to even move.